I don’t think I am much different from other girls when it comes to getting inspiration for where I want to travel. Pinterest and Instagram have become a big way to showcase amazing places in the world. I was browsing Pinterest one day and came across this photo:
I am the type of person that is drawn to visually stunning things. After doing some deep diving, I found out that this was just 20 miles outside Las Vegas!

The story behind Seven Magic Mountains
These seven thirty to thirty-five foot high dayglow totems were created by Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone.
“These are visible across the desert landscape along Interstate 15. The location is mid-way between the natural and the artificial: the natural is expressed by the mountain ranges, desert and Jean Dry lake backdrop, and the artificial is expressed by the highway and the constant flow of traffic between LA and Las Vegas.”

- Get there early. This is a free exhibit and has been gaining in popularity in the two years it has been there. You will find crowds as the day goes on.
- There are no bathrooms.
- This was initially supposed to be a temporary exhibit, but because of the amazing feedback, the exhibit will be in place through the end of 2018.

It was crazy driving down the highway and seeing these in the distance. You can get good shots of the boulders from any angle and any weather. When we arrived, we were sad that we saw about 4 cars already in the parking lot. We were worried there would be a lot of people in our way but we were able to get a ton of good shots!

#lasvegas #art #vegas #nevada #design #artist #desert